
“I truly enjoyed the book! I feel that you have an important message about life and aging. Life is a paradox– as being ordinary yet extraordinary! You captured that beautifully! –Carole T.

“I really loved your story, and boy did it resonate with me. What a wonderful message!”—Deborah D.

Outrunning Age is a balanced blend of both the personal and universal experience of getting older, and one that I think is equally relatable to men and women, runner or not. I couldn’t put it down!—Michael T.

“Tears are in my eyes having just finished your book.  I LOVE it.  It resonates so deeply with me, the experiences I have had in my own life, my own self-doubt, and reclaiming my inner love for myself.  The stories, the raw emotions of what you took from those moments is truly inspiring and amazing.  You soak it all in, whether it is the best of times (applause EARNED) or the difficult realizations of life changes that prove you can never go back.   This is a story that needs to be read.  Women who are facing their own challenges with aging need this inspiration.  I know I did.” –Gwendolyn Z.


I enjoyed reading it very much. I think your message of not accepting age as an inevitable decline will really resonate with most men.  Physical changes do not have to mean that we don’t have options for being active, participating and staying healthy, and for men, where physical prowess is a measure of masculinity, that’s a message I understand, and that speaks to me.”—Martin B.

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